Faythe and her team are celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week – 7-13th February 2022.

This years theme is Growing Together which is an important skillset for children to develop as they form friendships, work with others and progress through school life.

A big part of Faythe and the Fearstone is encouraging children (and adults) to understand how they have grown & how they can help others grow.

Faythe & the Fearstone is a new kind of entertainment brand that combines a fully animated cartoon & book series, which includes NLP & CBT influences and mindfulness.

We have also developed well-being workshops to deliver to schools for  aged 7-11 key stage 2. This is children’s most formative years where they start to feel real emotions & make decisions that will stay with them through their teenage years & adulthood. 

Faythe & her team are inspiring characters, who are far from perfect but help & support one another to deal with daily issues/problems. 

Our goal is to help children to recognise mental health at an early age & install positive thoughts & techniques to conquer their fears, build confidence and reach their full potential.

The creator Lucy Cole of Faythe & The Fearstone has written & developed the following–

Best Frenemies Adventure novel

Faythe Feelings Club Journal

Lets get talking Workshops

YouTube Channel

Cartoon Series

Coaching For Children

Lucy also offers one to one coaching for children to help them personally develop, move forward from any significant emotional events, control anxiety & manage their feelings, thoughts & emotions.

Get in Touch!

To get in touch with Faythe & the Fearstone and find out more about our workshops and brand, click here >